8 March 2013

To apply or not to apply?

These things are always bound to happen.

Have I mentioned before I have huge FOMO? Fear of missing out? I hate missing out.

So when this massive opportunity popped up at the most inconvenient time I felt rather distressed.

Best Job in the world is open for applications again. I cannot think of anything better than spending 6 months playing around all of QLD/ Whitsundays blogging & doing social media. It wouldn't even be a job! I already blog & while social media is my job, it's also a passion and I love it. Add to that the incredibly beautiful Whitsundays, Great Barrier Reef and some of the best animals in the world AND I'd get paid to snorkel. My fave thing. It's ridiculous.

So my initial but was because I didn't have time to read the T&Cs properly & for some reason thought it was a 3 mins video, not a 30second video. AND my major fear was that I had this vague recollection you had to use social media to get people behind you and vote for you to win. I am mortified of having a video of myself in the public to be scrutinized. I used to get embarrassed with my Mum watching me play netball as a kid, I felt so self conscious even though I was pretty good but put me in front of people I don't know and I'm fine. Same with public speaking - couldn't care less if I don't know anyone but put me in front of my peers and I get nervous.

Anyway, turns out you don't have to do it so I have decided I will apply! Yewwww!!!

But then. Yes there's a but then. But then, if for some crazy, fantastic reason I succeeded in making it through to the interview stage I would be in transit to Canada. To live. I would literally be lying on a beach in Hawaii drinking a cocktail when I would get the news. This is without factoring in that 35,000 people applied for this position last time and although I would LOVE to win I am forever realistic and it is unlikely. BUT I WANT IT!!!

So I'd have to cancel my Canadian plans and turn around, drop everything, just for the interviews. A rather expensive risk but they do say the higher the risk, they higher the potential for higher rewards. And that would be the best reward ever.

Now to script a video....

Great Barrier Reef

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