Well it wasn't very Eastery really. I didn't even get any eggs! I did buy hot crosses buns for Brekky though.
Anyway I've been slack as writing this and thought I should really eat on it as it is the weekend again already. Thank God for short weeks! Yeww!!
My Godsister* Alescha came to stay with me - we had a full on time!
Thursday dinner at Sakè, which was amazing. Devoured a bottle of Ume cherry plum wine with our meal which was really different. Took us forever to finish it actually and when Benny joined us and tried to order another bottle we were both arguing with him that we couldn't do another!

After that we headed to Limes hotel - was an awesome night. Lots of cocktails and laughing.
Friday saw Ben jump in my bed at 8am with music blaring. Not impressed sunshine. He got us up and out for
brekky at Tuppy's then head to the Goldy for our stay at QT Hotel - such a funky place! We ate at all the restaurants there - Yamagen for Teppenyaki dinner,
Stingray lounge for cocktails and pizza and Bazaar for buffet breakfast.

Lauren joined us for drinks and due to the annoying rules in place for drinking on Easter Friday we retired back to our rooms at the hotel to lie in the amazing beds an some quiet drinks. Maybe not so quiet for Lauren who awoke at midday with a massive hangover. At the same time we were on our way back to Brisbane. Stopped at the mall for Alescha to have a looksie and go shopping + I bought a new suitcase for my
impending trips (YAY.)
When we got home I had a quick nap (a sign of a great weekend is a nap each day) and got ready to go out. Ben, Ru & Lisa joined us but Ben dropped us in town and headed home instead of coming out to play. Pretty sure we killed him the first night.

Town was dead, no one in the Valley really we wondered from place to place before making the longer walk to Alfred & Constance, where of course there was a line. Drinks ensued and we danced away on the Tiki bar. Great venue. Alescha wanted to check out Brizzy Clubs so we ended back at the Met which had by now filled up. Fast forward 3 hours and the girls were well and truly tipsy, while I was ready for bed & Lisa had headed home at midnight.
Maccas was full as per usual but you must understand that it is imperative to a hangover and feeling better in the morning!
Sunday we relaxed and missed our Sunday sesh, I was exhausted and Alescha was hung. Movies and me cleaning out my wardrobe were about as far as we got! Ben came over and I did a platter for dinner with a huge bowl of guacamole mmmm.
Alescha flew out Monday arvo :(
We headed to the city and Valley for a look and my fave place to eat at the moment - Harajuku Gyoza for lunch before spending some time at DFO and time to say goodbye.
*definition of a God sister - my parents are her God parents.